No Medical Exam Life Insurance Coverage

Why are so many people hesitant about buying Life Insurance? Could it be that almost nobody likes taking a medical exam? The rub is that carriers require one before they will extend you an offer on a policy. A typical life insurance medical exam will consist of checking your basic vital signs height, weight and…
Should I Buy Term Insurance and Invest the Difference?
Winning the game of life insurance is easy when you’re clear on the facts. That includes choosing the coverage that most closely aligns with your financial plan. This topic has earned more than just a couple minutes of your time – so sit back and learn. Seriously, Byron is crazy knowledgeable. Prefer to read? Scroll…
Should I Buy Term Life Insurance and Invest the Difference?

“Should I buy term life insurance and invest the difference?” Good question. Many financial experts advocate this investment strategy. But is it a good idea? We’ll give you the facts and let YOU decide. There’s more to buying life insurance than meets the eye. [Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published on April 3, 2017….
How to File a Life Insurance Claim

What to Do After the Loss of a Loved One The stress and the sorrow that come with the loss of a loved one are inexplicable. Having to figure out what to do with the finances of the departed may seem like an added burden on a grieving family. There are a variety of things…
How to Maximize Your Pension…With Life Insurance

If you have a company pension plan, before you retire, you will have to decide how your pension payout should be distributed. This blog will give you the lowdown on some important payout options. Learn more about Pension Maximization. Are you one of the lucky people out there who has a pension plan through your…
How to Get the Best Rate Class on Your Life Insurance

The price you pay for life insurance is, in large part, determined by your policy’s rate class. To find out how you qualify for the best rate class life insurance, read this blog. So you’ve decided to buy life insurance. Terrific. But how do you know that you’re getting the best price on your policy?…
Quitting Smoking Lowers Life Insurance Rates

If you’re annoyed that smokers pay more for life insurance, there’s a simple solution…quit! Think life insurance for smokers is expensive? Smokers end up paying at least two times more than their healthier, non-smoking counterparts in life insurance policy premiums. Yes, we said at least. There is no leeway when it comes to smoking and the…
Near Retirement? Get Disability Insurance Today!

Nearing Retirement? Consider buying Disability Insurance. [Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published on August 23, 2013. The content has been updated.] When you consider the fragile, financial predicament of many retirees today, you’ll appreciate the role long term care (LTC) insurance and disability insurance (DI) play in offering a leg boost. LTC insurance and…
4 Good Reasons to Buy Life Insurance in Your 20s and 30s

The earlier you buy life insurance, the better…and cheaper. To find out why buying life insurance is cool, read on. [Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published on December 2, 2015. The content has been updated.] Life insurance is one of those things a lot of people don’t really want to think about until they’re…
7 Life Insurance Mistakes That Could Cost You Big Time

Think you have to be a brainiac to buy life insurance? Not really. You most likely understand the basic premise: if you have it, your family gets money when you die. But, it’s also likely you have some myths mixed in with the basics. So, keep reading and check out the 7 things you shouldn’t…