AD&D Insurance. Are You Prepared for the Worst?
If you haven’t been in an accident yourself, you probably know someone who has. There are over five million car crashes in the U.S. every year, not to mention countless other kinds of accidents. But with Accidental Death Insurance or an Accidental Death and Dismemberment policy (AD&D Insurance), you can financially protect you and your…
[VIDEO] Waiver of Premium. It Pays When You Can’t!
Did you know that 1 out of 3 Americans between the ages of 35 and 65 will suffer a long-term disability lasting at least 90 days? You are also 4 times more likely to become disabled than you are to die before 65 years of age. The facts are a bit jarring, but armed with…
[VIDEO] Return of Premium Life Insurance for Permanent Life
Return of Premium for permanent life is a real thing and if you so choose, you might have the opportunity (after 25 years) to get all your money back. But, before you start dialing your insurance agent, get clear on the facts. This refund option is, in essence, a financial incentive… an ethical bribe of…
[VIDEO] Gambling with Life Settlements. Bad Idea.
Over the past 25 years or so there’s been an emergence of a new secondary market for existing life insurance policies. Some people, under certain circumstances, are actually able to sell their life insurance policies to people or companies willing to buy them, essentially as investments. The practice is offensive and you should know that the people…
[VIDEO] What is Return of Premium?
Return of Premium is a life insurance feature that can be used as a piggy bank of sorts. While return of premium is commonly used with term life insurance, it can be added to both term and permanent coverage. However, depending on the type of coverage you have (term vs. permanent) your return of premium…
Rate Class. How Much Will You Pay?
There are several different Rate and Risk Classifications life insurance carriers use to categorize people into risk groups. The carrier’s underwriters decide which one you qualify for based on your individual health, lifestyle, and family history profile. The price you’ll pay for your life insurance is determined, in large part, by the rate class (risk…
[VIDEO] Life Insurance Has Something to Say
This holiday season your life insurance policy has a message for you. A reminder of sorts. We love our families, most of us would do anything to protect them. And some of you have taken steps to protect them when you, well, are no longer. But, what about those of you who haven’t pulled the trigger…
[VIDEO] Life Insurance for Your Partner? Yes, Always!
Life insurance for your partner is more important than you can imagine. Consider for a moment what your partner manages in your home. While it will be different for every family, your partner contributes something of need…something that fills a void for you. A great example to consider would be the job of a full/part-time…