How Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Can Save You

One problem with today’s popular level term policies is that when the term ends, and you receive the premium notice for the next year, you better be sitting down! Why? Because the premium increases at the end of the initial term (typically 10, 20, or 30 years) are MASSIVE. Take a look at your policy…
Can I Get Non-Smoker Life Insurance Rates if I’m Only Vaping?

In certain circles, cigarette smoking has become rather unfashionable. You can’t smoke at your work desk. You can’t smoke inside public buildings. You can’t smoke on planes (whoever thought that was a good idea?). What’s a smoker to do? Well, in recent years some cigarette smokers have switched to a more socially acceptable form of…
6 Factors That May Raise Your Life Insurance Rates

Insurance costs vary and depend on a number of factors. Age, sex, medical history, profession, and location are a few examples of the factors that go into calculating insurance premiums. Taking precautions and cutting out bad habits or improving on certain lifestyle shortcomings can result in lower rates. Factors that can raise your life insurance premium…
Can Prostate Cancer Survivors Get Life Insurance?

More men are surviving prostate cancer. But can you still buy affordable life insurance? Find out more about prostate cancer life insurance options. For many men over a certain age, getting an annual physical exam is no big deal. Except for one particular test. And if you’re a male, you know what test I’m talking…
What Is Breach of Utmost Good Faith?

When it comes to buying life insurance, honesty is the best policy. A “breach of utmost good faith” to your carrier can have catastrophic consequences to your coverage. To find out more, read on. Insurance, like most contracts between consumers and a business, is built on trust. A common law principle, “utmost good faith,” is…