[VIDEO] Why’s this life insurance guy so angry? Learn more.

This life insurance guy is so angry! Truth be told, his white-hot rage is warranted. If asked, people claim to love and care for their families but walk right past a real opportunity to protect them. How’s that love? So take 2 and listen to this angry life insurance guy explain why life insurance is…
[VIDEO] Is 10,000 Hours of Practice Necessary? Maybe Not.

Trying to become the best at your craft or passion? The general rule has been 10,000 hours of practice will get you pro-level performance. But, is all that really necessary? There must be a way to learn and put solid tactics to use without having to actually put in 10,000 hours of practice time. After all,…
[VIDEO] Buying Whole Life Insurance for Kids!

It might seem morbid to consider life insurance for a kid, but it’s really the best time to buy. Here’s the deal, kids are young and healthy – a combination that makes life insurance insanely affordable. But that’s not the only benefit! Whole life insurance for kids can be paid over a shorter period, has…
[VIDEO] How to Win the Game of Life Insurance!

You might think life insurance carriers are just greedy behemoths who take your money…they are, after all, for-profit. But, all hope is not lost! Your life insurance coverage is important and you need to keep your family protected. No need to worry. There’s a way you can really stick it to those life insurance carriers – ya know,…
[VIDEO] Can You Be Your Own Life Insurance Beneficiary?

It’s a great question. Can you be your own bene? While it might seem odd to consider, it’s a tool that shouldn’t be overlooked when buying a life insurance policy. Especially if you plan on living far past the average human age of 79. There are big perks to being your own life insurance beneficiary!…
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

You’ve probably known someone who passed away with no coverage or, perhaps, a policy that barely covered the cost of the funeral. Maybe $10,000 or $20,000. That’s okay, assuming that’s all she wanted to cover. But for most people, the loss of a loved one leaves behind financial obligations far beyond just funeral expenses. No…
3 Reasons People Put-Off Buying Life Insurance

About half of the adults in the US own life insurance. The other half doesn’t. Some don’t need it. And others who arguably DO need it… don’t WANT it. It’s a free country. There’s obviously no law that says we must care about our families, but the fact is… most of us DO! So why…
5 Turkey Day Family Tips to Remember

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. A time for filling bellies and enjoying those we love, and those who love us. This isn’t some sappy post about how we should love one another and be kind – this is a list. A list of things to remember during a time of year we…
Life Lessons 2018 College Scholarship Winner

For over 20 years Life Happens, a nonprofit organization, has dedicated its resources to helping consumers take personal financial responsibility through the ownership of life insurance. The truth is, every year families with no life insurance protection are bankrupted by the loss of a wage earner. Which is why for the past 14 years Life…
[VIDEO] Life Insurance Coverage and Heart Issues

Any kind of heart issue can be scary. The ol’ticker is what keeps you alive – what’s not scary about it? But sometimes, what’s more frightening is that your family might not be able to pay the mortgage or rent, fill the fridge or pay the utilities. So before you brush-off life insurance as something…