Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. A time for filling bellies and enjoying those we love, and those who love us. This isn’t some sappy post about how we should love one another and be kind – this is a list. A list of things to remember during a time of year we are with those we love, but sometimes, don’t like very much…if at all.
Family dynamics are tough. You love, but sometimes you don’t like and that’s ok. We don’t have to like everyone we’re related to. Honestly, some of us probably wouldn’t pick most of our family for friends. But we’re stuck with them and are now tasked with wading through a lake of love and dislike. Don’t worry – it can be done.
5 tips
- Take a 10-minute breathing session. Being with family can be stressful so take some time to yourself and get ready to be “on” for several hours. This isn’t meditation. This is breathing deep, so you can enjoy the food. Psshh I mean really, how can you digest with a stress-laden stomach? Let the grudge rest long enough to digest that sweet pumpkin pie (or whatever your poison is).
- Board games! Diversionary tactics work. Layout board games all over in strategic parts of the house. This will encourage groups of people to play together – giving you an opportunity to pick another group. You see the win here right?
- Charlie Brown Thanksgiving should be looped on the tv in the background. There’s nothing better than the Peanuts gang around to lift the mood and distract from the heavy energy.
- Ok so roll the eyes back around to the front of your head and listen. This works, but it works better when you’re able to put your imagination to work. Just smile and envision whatever you need to keep that smile on your face. You never know, maybe Aunt Mabel’s horns and canines will grow as she questions your career choices. At the very least, you’ll be proud of your imagination and acting skills.
- Everyone has their limits and your sanity can only handle so much. Whether you’re hosting or invited out, set a time. If they’re gathering at your place, make it a little earlier and let the tryptophan do its work! If you’re invited out, just leave when you’re ready. Turkey tired is always a great excuse to go home.
Bonus tip! During this time of family feuds and such we also acknowledge there are those we do love and like. And life insurance. Yea we went there. The truth is, all sales stuff aside, life insurance helps families.
So forget Aunt Mabel and her ilk – don’t leave her anything. That’s ok.
Life insurance can replace your financial contribution for those you do love. So, now imagine this time of year without you. What would that look like? Would there be money to put food on the table? Would there be a house to host the holiday? Would there be a car to drive to attend the festivities?
So here you have it, the top things to do when preparing to be surrounded by your family…on the foodiest day of the year! Enjoy the ones you like, smile and let your imagination loose on the rest.
All good advice.
Happy Turkey Day!