4 Tips for Life Insurance Shopping

Buying life insurance can be a seemingly insurmountable task. All the terminology to learn, all of the options to review and how to find the best deals – it’s a virtual nightmare and enough to send you packing up and saving the entire ordeal for another day. Truth be told shopping for life insurance isn’t…
The Facts About Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance is the gold standard of life insurance policies. This type of permanent life insurance is one of the most misunderstood financial products on the market today. In addition to providing a guaranteed death benefit for life, typically with guaranteed level premiums for life, whole life policies develop significant guaranteed cash values over time…
Permanent Life Insurance. What is it?

Permanent life insurance provides insurance coverage for your entire lifetime. As a matter of fact, in many cases, permanent life insurance is the safest way to make sure you have coverage when your time on this earth runs out (we call this “winning the game of life insurance”). Remember – a life insurance policy is worthless unless…
Holographic Wills. Are they Enough?

In the past few years we’ve heard many stories of legendary musicians such as Prince and Aretha Franklin who have passed with no official, legally binding Will and no estate planning, but a massive estate left for the courts and family members to slice and dice based on what their idea of what is fair. …
“Saving Your Age” Can Save You Money on Life Insurance

As most people know, your age has a lot to do with how much you pay for life insurance. But you CAN use your age to your advantage in getting a better rate. To find out more “saving your age” on your policy. For purposes of pricing their policies, term life insurance companies use one…
Single Moms Need Life Insurance Too!

Are you a single mom? Do you need life insurance? Absolutely. Find out the best way to buy life insurance for single moms. Single moms are some of the most empowered women I know. They do the work of two people tirelessly every single day because they view their responsibilities not as burdens but as unfailing demonstrations…
Life insurance beneficiaries: Who gets what, and when?

There are plenty of terms and acronyms used in the life insurance industry and it can make life insurance confusing and convoluted. And beneficiary or bene, as it’s often referred, is definitely one of those terms. While you can decide how many primary and contingent beneficiaries you want, it’s important to take a moment to…
Life Insurance Can’t Wait Another 20 Pounds

Life insurance is important. Yet, half of Americans have no life insurance. The other half owns a policy, but only about 3x their annual income in death benefit. Bottom line: Folks either have no life insurance or are tragically underinsured. For someone who owns 3x their salary in life insurance, I often ask them, “When…
Can Being Pre-Diabetic Stop You from Getting Life Insurance?

If your blood sugar is slightly elevated, should this be a red flag regarding your health? How could pre-diabetic glucose readings affect your chances of getting life insurance? The truth is the healthier you are, the lower your life insurance rates will be. There are six main factors that can raise your life insurance rates and one of them…
How Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance Can Save You

One problem with today’s popular level term policies is that when the term ends, and you receive the premium notice for the next year, you better be sitting down! Why? Because the premium increases at the end of the initial term (typically 10, 20, or 30 years) are MASSIVE. Take a look at your policy…