Insurable Interest Explained

What is Insurable Interest? A lot of people often ask the question, “what is insurable interest and why is it a must have when buying a life insurance policy?” For purposes of life insurance policies, everyone is considered to have an insurable interest in their own lives and in the lives of their spouses and…
Is My AIG (American General) Life Insurance Safe?

AIG has been in the news a lot recently. If you have an American General (part of AIG) policy, should you be concerned? For answers, read on. If you hold a life insurance policy from American General (an AIG subsidiary) and you’ve been paying attention to the news, it’s completely understandable as to why you…
How IRS Tax Exempt Rules Affect Key Man Life Insurance

How does the 2008 IRS tax exempt rules Key Man Life Insurance for S-Corporations? To find out, read on. A 2008 Internal Revenue Service addressed the tax exempt treatment of life insurance policy proceeds on Key Man life insurance policies of Sub-chapter S-Corporations; medical and/or otherwise. The 2008-42 Revenue Ruling addresses the issue of whether…
60% of Americans Don’t Have Enough Home Insurance

Did you know that most Americans don’t have enough home insurance? It’s true. To find out why you want to be on the winning side, read on. According to Marshall & Swift/Boeckh, a leading provider of building replacement cost data, nearly two out of every three American homes, or 59 percent, are underinsured. The definition…
Dealing with Death and Life Insurance Beneficiaries

When a loved one dies, there are many things that the survivors need to attend to. One important issue is tracking down the life insurance beneficiaries? To find out more, read on. The death of a loved one is a difficult subject for almost everyone. We have prepared a very useful checklist of things that…
Auto Insurance Competitive Rates Driving Prices Down

Auto insurance competitive rates are coming down. Want to know why? Read on. Progressive Corporation, the country’s third largest car insurance company, sees a trend in the industry that is turning auto insurance into a buyer’s market. According to CEO Glenn Renwick the development of the online insurance market has provided consumers the means to…
The Top 20 Life Insurance Companies for 2007
Who are the top 20 life insurance companies? To find out, read on. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the TOP 20 U.S. LIFE / HEALTH INSURANCE GROUPS AND COMPANIES BY REVENUES, 2005 ($ millions) are: 1 MetLife (revenue) $46,983 – (assets) $481,645 2 Prudential Financial – 31,708 – 417,776 3 New York Life Insurance…
Variable Annuity Plan – Is There a Catch?

What’s a Variable Annuity Plan and is one right for you? Read on and find out. Twice in the last 6 months, I’ve been asked to evaluate and comment on a variable annuity currently being offered by AXA Equitable. The story many consumers are hearing from their sales force is that, regardless whether or not…
The Top 20 Life Insurance Companies for 2006
So who are the top 20 Life Insurance Companies for 2006? Read on. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the Top Twenty U.S. Life/Health Insurance Groups and Companies by Revenues, 2005 ($ millions) are: MetLife: (revenue) $46,983 — (assets) $481,645 Prudential Financial: 31,708 — 417,776 New York Life Insurance: 28,051 — 153,952 TIAA-CREF: 25,917 —…