Having life insurance helped Dan Claus stay in his home and spend more time with his kids after his wife passed away from cancer. This is his story.
When Dan and Peggy Claus found out that an abandoned 100-year old Victorian house was perched right smack in the pathway of a planned highway project, they took action. First, they moved the old house six miles out of harm’s way to a new lot and then began turning it into their dream home. It took a lot of sweat and determination, but it was a labor of love for Dan and Peggy.
Peggy was always a very determined woman. After she lost her job as a computer support specialist, she started a successful consulting firm all on her own. As her business continued to grow, Peggy bought more life insurance to protect her business and her family.
Sadly, two years later, Peggy was diagnosed with breast cancer. As the medical bills mounted, she was able to borrow against the cash value of her policy to keep her family from spiraling into deep debt.
Peggy died at age 48, after battling cancer for three years, leaving behind her husband and four sons. Because of her life insurance, Dan was able to repay Peggy’s medical loans and other outstanding debts. He was also able to pay off half the mortgage on their dream house.
Life insurance also allowed Dan to quit his long-distance job (70-mile commute and 12-hour shifts) and accept a position with lower pay, but much closer to home. Now, as a single parent, Dan has been able to be more involved in his sons’ lives as they grow into adulthood.
This is what life insurance does. It helps families move on with their lives by providing the financial support they need when the worst happens. Life insurance helps keep families in their homes, pay bills, help send kids to college, and so much more. You never know how valuable life insurance is…until you need it. In short, life insurance let Dan continue to be a dad. And you can’t put a price tag on that.
To hear more about Dan’s story, watch this video. Video courtesy of Life Happens (www.lifehappens.org).
Keep Reading and Learn How to Save Money for Life
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