AccuQuote agent Bill Rosenthal has been helping customers for decades. Bill has the uncanny ability to find his clients the best deals in life insurance in the marketplace. To learn more about Bill, read on.
Born and raised in Chicago, Bill graduated from Roosevelt University. A horse enthusiast for many years, he worked as a bookkeeper for a harness racing stable, and eventually owned, raced and bred harness horses and thoroughbreds as well. It was around this time that Bill started selling insurance. His first clients were jockeys and horse trainers that he insured for life and disability insurance. By the time Bill came to AccuQuote, he had years of horse sense under his belt.
1) How long have you been with AccuQuote? Since January 2001. So I’ve been with the company for 15 years.
2) How did you start selling life insurance? I answered a blind ad.
3) What is your most memorable interaction with a policy holder? Yes, it was paying a claim to the widow of a client. I actually went to the widow’s home and handed her a check. It’s a very vivid memory.
4) What do you like best about your job? Knowing that I’m helping beneficiaries stay in their “own world.” So if something happens to the insured person, that policy gives the survivors more options – whether it’s helping a family stay in their home, or letting the kids continue to go to the same school, or help the surviving. working spouse be able to work less and spend more time with their young children – we help families stay together.
5) Why do you think life insurance is important? Life insurance gives families peace of mind and protection for pennies, to give them dollars when they are most needed.
6) What do you think is the best or most useful insurance product that AccuQuote offers? All our insurance products are terrific. Essentially any policy that the policy holder has in force when they die is a good policy.
7) What are your hobbies? Watching sports. I like hockey, horseracing, baseball, football and basketball.
8) What is your favorite book? “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.
To learn more about Bill Rosenthal, watch this great video. As an AccuQuote Account Executive, Bill takes his work to heart. He really loves helping people.