To quote from a famous novel from the early seventies: “Love is never having to say you’re sorry.” The same can be said of life insurance. Just ask Christy Dunaway.
Protecting the future of your family with life insurance is one of the greatest acts of love there is. When you have life insurance, you never have to say “I’m sorry,” when it comes to helping protect your family from financial disaster. To illustrate this further, just read Christy’s story.
Christy and Daryel Dunaway never took their love for granted. Both had to overcome tough physical disabilities. Christy was born without hands and Daryel had been a quadriplegic since he became paralyzed in a diving accident at age 15. They were just friends for over a decade, before they fell in love.
Because of their disabilities, Daryel was always mindful that life could change in a heartbeat. So when they got married, he wanted to make sure that Christy was protected financially. Daryel had also just started a new business with his best friend, John (also a quadriplegic). The company, Handicapable Vans, adapts vehicles for individuals with disabilities.
So when John and Daryel bought life insurance for the business, they made sure the policy included a provision that allowed one partner to buy out the other, if either were to die. Culpepper made sure that the business and Christy were both protected financially.
Then tragedy struck. After battling a series of infections that his body could no longer shake off, Daryel died at age 57. Christy was devastated. Would she have to sell her home, which had been modified to accommodate the couple’s disabilities? How would she pay the bills and the mortgage?
Luckily, Daryel’s life insurance not only allowed Christy to stay in her home, but gave John the resources to buy out his late partner’s share of the business. In short, that policy provided Christy with the safety and financial security she needed to help her move on with her life.
This is what life insurance can do. It can help keep families in their homes, pay bills, help send kids to college, and so much more. In short, you really never know how valuable life insurance is…until you need it. Just ask Christy.
To hear more of Christy’s story, watch this video. Video courtesy of Life Happens (www.lifehappens.org).