Want a new way to show your better half some everlasting love? Give the gift of that keeps on giving for Valentine’s Day – life insurance!
There are only a few certainties in life. The sun rises in the morning. The express lane is always the slowest. It always rains on the day you left your umbrella at home. Millions of married people will wait until the last possible moment to purchase a gift for their spouse on Valentine’s Day.
Instead of that frantic, fatalistic, last-minute dash to the florist, confectioner or jeweler…why not get your spouse a gift that’s way more long-lasting than a vase of violets? Why not bring home…life insurance!
That’s why AccuQuote is proud to be supporting Life Happens in their “Insure Your Love” campaign this February to encourage people to buy life insurance.
You might be thinking: “Life Insurance? That doesn’t sound very romantic to me.” Oh, but it is. Why? Because it turns pennies into dollars when your family needs money the most. And if you want to really show your love, the greatest gift you can give is the knowledge that should something unforeseen happen to you, your family will be financially protected.
Truth is, life insurance has helped millions of families rebuild their lives after the loss of a loved one, by providing money to help stay them in their homes, pay bills and send kids to college. Now, take our nifty calculator for a spin and get clear on the right amount of coverage for your family!
Nifty Life Insurance Calculator
Our Life Insurance Calculator can help you get a rough idea of how much coverage you’ll need to make sure your family is okay financially when you die.
Annual income before tax: $
Annual income is an important factor in determining your needs, but it’s not the only one. When you die, your life insurance is like your final paycheck.% of income needed by dependents: %
Because you’ll be gone, presumably they won’t need as much as you’re currently earning. Typically, 80% of your current income is a good place to start.Your Age: years
The younger you are, the more years of your income your family stands to lose when you die.Number of years benefits are needed:
If you died tomorrow, how many years of income do you want to provide for your family?Annual inflation rate (estimate): %
Because of inflation, in order to maintain your family’s current standard of living, you’ll need to plan for increases in their annual income to keep pace. Historically, inflation has averaged between 2% and 4%.Annual interest rate (estimate): %
This is an assumption as to how much you believe your spouse will be able to earn on the death benefit proceeds. We have found that most surviving spouses are usually very conservative in how they invest the death benefit. The most common thing we see is that the money gets deposited into a bank account. You know your spouse better than anyone. Pick a number that you feel your spouse will be able to comfortably earn on the proceeds.
Besides, after a week, a bouquet of flowers will start to wilt. But a life insurance policy is the gift that keeps on giving, all year long.
If you care about your family…IT’S WHAT YOU DO.
Life insurance, is, in every way…LOVE INSURANCE.
Now call us at 800-442-9899 and speak to a real person! (yes, we’re old school.) You have enough things to think about, so we’ve taken the stress out of shopping for life insurance.
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