AccuQuote agent Jason Howes loves helping customers get the life insurance they need. As a family man himself, Jason knows that owning life insurance is truly one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. To find out more, continue reading.
AccuQuote Account Executive Jason Howes has been with AccuQuote for seven years. A dedicated family man, Jason loves his job. He loves helping people get the life insurance they need.
1) How long have you been with AccuQuote? I will have been with the company for seven years as of May 2016.
2) How did you start selling life insurance? I was tired of working retail jobs and wanted to try something new. So I decided to start selling life insurance, and I just stuck with it.
3) What is your most memorable interaction with a policy holder? The most memorable experience with a term conversion (from term life to whole life policy) case. It was early in my career as an agent. I walked the couple through all the paperwork and they took out a converted policy for $1.1 million. That’s a big deal.
4) What do you like best about your job? I’m good at what I do and I really enjoy helping people.
5) Why do you think life insurance is important? Life insurance gives people protection against life’s unexpected detours. Because we never know what’s just around the bend.
6) What do you think is the best or most useful insurance product that AccuQuote offers? Permanent Life Insurance. For all other types of insurance, there is a question of “if.” Permanent life insurance is different as it’s the only insurance policy that guarantees that there will be a claim at some point. We can have auto insurance and never have an accident. We can have homeowners insurance, but never experience a fire or flood in our homes. But one thing is for certain…we are all going to die. So permanent life insurance is an essential thing to have.
7) What are your hobbies? I like golf, gaming and most other sports.
8) What is your favorite book? “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss. You might think it’s a silly choice, but just read it to a five year old and see how that child’s face lights up. It’s amazing.
To learn more about Jason, watch this great video.