The health insurance problem in this country is getting better, but it’s still a problem.
Open enrollment for health coverage ends on Sunday. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how our country is faring when it comes to health insurance.
According to statistics recorded by, 14.6% of American’s didn’t have health insurance back in 2008. Now, 7 years later, the number of Americans who don’t have health coverage has dropped to 12.9%. That means 87.1% of all Americans are now covered by some type of health insurance.
Things have improved, that’s obvious. But there are still plenty without coverage (the percentage isn’t as large as it is for life insurance, but it’s still concerning).
Medical expenses in the U.S. are the highest compared to any other country, so having coverage helps you avoid huge bills. Like life insurance, health insurance gives you peace of mind. If you get sick or hurt, your savings won’t be drained.
Having health coverage also encourages people to go visit the doctor at the first sign of trouble. This means early detection of potential problems.
The scope of coverage is massive, too. Depending on the finer points in your policy, you might be covered for any or all of the following: outpatient care, emergency room treatment, hospital visits, prenatal and post pregnancy care, mental health support, counselling, prescription drugs, disability care, physical or occupational therapy, speech and language pathology services, psychiatric rehab, lab tests and even pediatric care.
Why wouldn’t you get health insurance after seeing just how much it brings to the table?
Lastly, having health coverage means you won’t have to pay a tax penalty at the end of the year.
If you’d like more information on health insurance or any other type of insurance, just call 800-442-9899 or go to We’re here to help.